Daniella Georgeu-Pepper
Head of Implementation
Daniella Georgeu-Pepper is the Head of Implementation at the Knowledge Translation Unit (KTU). She joined the KTU in 2007.
Daniella’s current role sees her responsible for PACK implementation strategies, programme management, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and training programme instructional design on the Unit’s Research and Global projects.
When she started at the KTU, Daniella’s work focused on qualitative evaluation of PACK and its subsequent scale-up at provincial level in South Africa (SA). She has since had extensive experience training healthcare workers across SA, as well as facilitating training of lead trainers in Ethiopia, Brazil and Indonesia. She has led the development of various implementation and training interventions including the KTU’s early e-learning work; development of the PACK Community package; revising the APC training materials for the South African NDoH; and leading a pilot study to overhaul non-communicable disease (NCD) training for community health workers in the Free State and Eastern Cape Provinces of SA with the SA NDoH and the Better Health Programme.
Daniella was the programme manager of the KTU/TB HIV Care project. In this role she has overseen the strategic planning and activities of the KTU’s team in the Eastern Cape Province of SA to support the RTC in scaling up Adult Primary Care (APC) implementation across three districts in the province over the past 7 years. This team continues to work closely with the NDoH to update the APC clinical decision support tool and training package, including providing APC training on the Knowledge Hub.
She has co-authored 17 peer-reviewed publications, has presented oral and poster presentations at international conferences and is an honorary lecturer at UCT.
Daniella is motivated to ensure KTU training, implementation, and technical support activities are fit for purpose, provide for lasting impact in the health system and are ultimately embedded within existing health department structures.